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Tuesday, 30 May 2017

3 Things That May Be Killing Your Intelligence

“Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole life thinking it’s stupid” – Einstein.

Killing Your Intelligence

As we humans, we are supposed to learn things. Learning things in better way and implementing them in effectively needs Intelligence.
A new research found that as we gets older our intelligence might gets higher. But most of people kills their intelligence by fallowing or doing stupid things.
Here are three things that may be killing your intelligence and which you should keep in mind.

1. School

Although school is supposed to help children become conscious, smart, thoughtful problem solvers, in reality it has not achieved that yet. In fact, most schools around the world only achieve to kill children’s intelligence, and that’s for plenty of reasons. School teaches children to conform, to obey to authority and accept unquestionably what they are being taught — in essence, it teaches children what to think but not how to think, hence children cannot develop their critical thinking. In addition, school is suppressing children by confining them in a room and teaching them day in and day out things that they don’t truly care about learning. As a result, after years upon years of schooling, children learn to associate in their minds the acquirement of knowledge with the negative emotionally experiences they had at school, and so they avoid seeking knowledge later on in their life, which helps to stunt their intellectual development.

2. TV

TV Killing Your Intelligence

An obvious thing that is killing people’s intelligence is TV, but many fail to recognize this. Most people around the world, and in particular in the West, choose to spend hours upon hours everyday watching TV, unaware of its harmful effects. Television is feeding them with lies through advertising and fake journalism, and is hypnotizing them with soaps and all kinds of stupid shows, thus turning them into passive zombies who are wasting their entire life sitting on a chair, doing almost nothing other than receiving the mental and emotional garbage that TV is throwing in their psyche.

3. Religion

Religion does have great lessons that can help people become the greatest version of themselves, but when it becomes organized and dogmatic, it can only help reduce people’s intelligence. Organized religion urges people to blindly believe in ideologies and follow dogmas, having conditioned them to be afraid to think for themselves and act on their own, and especially to never question, doubt or renounce their religion, because if they do otherwise they might be thrown into hell. As a result, so called religious people choose to conform, never challenging their beliefs and hence not growing intellectually, let alone spiritually.

If you know more things that kills intelligence, please let me know

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